The Vehicle Technology Centre was founded in 2002 as a non-profit corporation. We are governed by a volunteer board of representatives from major local manufacturers and related industry stakeholders.
Working collaboratively, the Vehicle Technology Centre works to accelerate the growth of Manitoba’s heavy equipment and vehicle (HEV) manufacturing cluster, recognizing the unique challenges and opportunities faced by these industries. The HEV cluster includes manufacturers of: urban and intercity buses, fire trucks, motor homes, recreational vehicles, trailers, agricultural and mining equipment, as well as local suppliers of related parts and components.
The Vehicle Technology Centre provides a forum for promoting industry cooperation and collaboration, identifying ways to enhance technological capacity within HEV manufacturing. Aligning the efforts of industry and academia, we contribute to the development of a workforce that embraces digital technology in specialized low volume, high value, high customization production processes.
Technology leadership for a stronger Manitoba.
Collaboratively accelerate the growth of Manitoba’s heavy equipment and vehicle (HEV) manufacturing cluster through product and process technological advancement and preparing our workforce as technology changes our workplaces.
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Encouraging collaboration
From informal to formal, Vehicle Technology Centre encourages collaboration within the heavy equipment and vehicle (HEV) manufacturing sector and its supply base in Manitoba. We actively engage and encourage partnerships between companies, academic stakeholders, and funders to advance the industry. Also, we connect with international organizations and subject matter experts for possible collaboration, relationship building and knowledge sharing.

Hosting Technical Events and Seminars
We provide resources such as workshops, special interest groups, webinars and summits, with the goal of sharing the latest in advancements and best practices. Informed by cutting edge insights from academic research and manufacturing practices from abroad, we encourage the adoption of new technologies and methodologies relevant to the heavy equipment and vehicle manufacturing sector’s unique form of high value, low volume manufacturing.

Preparing our workforce for the future of manufacturing
We play a leading role in communicating our industry’s changing, research, education and training needs to post-secondary institutions. As our products and processes become more digital, a knowledge transformation is required to prepare Manitoba’s workforce for the needs of the future.

Enhancing Connections Between Local Industry and Academia
We host annual student engagement events at our local academic research institutions to present heavy-duty vehicle and equipment manufacturing as a first-choice career option for students – one that encompasses multiple potential career paths including product design, engineering, business administration, and manufacturing. We want to show that students do not have to leave our province to find meaningful careers in the industry.

Hosting Technical Mission Trips
The Vehicle Technology Centre hosts technical mission trips where representatives from Manitoba companies travel abroad to acquire critical product and process knowledge to help drive our sector forward. Past missions to the Hannover Messe, IAA Commercial Vehicle Show, and Agritechnica included side tours and access to thought leaders — providing insights on cutting-edge product technology and advances that accelerate industry competitiveness.

Fostering Sustainable Technology Development
Moving our sector towards net-zero emissions, we support industry projects that reduce carbon emissions, encourage sustainable practices, and contribute to thought leadership. Initiatives include: zero and near zero emission vehicle technology, smart and connected vehicles systems, alternative fuels and lightweighting, as well as advances in manufacturing such as new materials, digitization and implementation of new technologies.